Saturday, October 22, 2005

Greetings and salutations

Well i have hit a slow spot in my life...umm do those really exsist? I worked today and it was blissfuly slow! It was such a welcome releaf. My Inlaws came up on thursday from FL to escape hurricane wilma, i couldnt imagine having to pack up and move everytime a hurricane threatens your home. However i am glad there are here and we dont have to worry about them, in fact i came home today to dinner all ready done. it was such welcome break that i will actually have time to scrapbook tonight...gasp..scrapbook me? i might have forgotten how to do that LOL
Tim is out riding the tail of the dragon today with ronnie, john, alan, bobby, and some other new guys. He went down to GA on friday and left this morning for tail of the dragon aka deals gap in NC. We expect him to be home on Sunday around noon and then we will take the in laws out to a flea market. I miss him and can't wait till he gets home.
work is still work. I cant wait to get to a different position but so far nothing is open yet. So i will plug along and do what i need to do to till something better comes along.
School is going well. I am in wk 5 and only 4 more left till the first semester is complete. I love taking onling classes. Its so much easier and i dont have to listen to a boring teacher drone on and on and on. I am doing very well in the classed so i am sure that adds to the excitement of them.
Well time to close for today. I will post some pictures of deals gap when tim gets back.
thanks for reading and stay tuned for an update soon. I will try to update this at least onece a wk maybe more but i cant promise that. :O)
Take care
Peace and Love
Sabrina and Tim

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