Sunday, May 06, 2007

Blah Blah Yadda yadda

So things have been busy around here.. so to speak. Tim planted a garden. We have green, yellow, red, green and purple peppers. We also have zuccini, squash, cucumbers, eggplant, and hot peppers. We planted a few herb plants as well. It is looking really nice...ohh and we planted tomatoes. We have a flower on that plant already! We intended to do a small garden however you know Tim nothing is small.

Work is ok. I go back on the phones in about 3 weeks. I am ok with that. I can work some overtime, get back on track and really focus again. It will be nice to not have to worry about everyone elses crap for once. I am responsible for me and no one else. Mike agreed that I should look at it as a break from team leading. I don't know if I want to team lead anymore. I want something more. Is there something more for me, have a reached the ceiling?

School is irritating me. I feel like I just can not do this anymore. I can't quit because I am so close to finishing. When you keep getting low grades it is very discouraging, makes me want to go to bed and not get back out.

I guess we are going to have a bbq/birthday party for me in August. The big 30! Break out the anti-aging cream. Do you ever see yourself differently in your minds eye and then when you look in the mirror you think...oh yeah that is what I look like... and walk away sad? I do. I picture myself completly different then what I actually look like. Its weird I know, but hey thats me. I think that finally explains why I have very few mirrors in my house. The less I see me the better.
well I better go work on homework. Yeah me!
Peace and love,