Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I was wrong

about how friends are an assett. If you read my previous post then you would have understood that last statement. The new friends I thought we made... don't talk to us. I have no idea why. I have emailed her and she doesn't respond. I am beginning to wonder if it's me. Maybe I expect too much from people. Maybe my standards are too high and noone can meet them. I don't know and I no longer care. I am off to go clean my carpets.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Home Improvements

Here are a few recent projects.
The kitchen got a new antler chandelere. I've been eyeing this one up for a while but it was $200. I continued to watch for a sale and got one better. Someone had mismarked the display for $82. Well, I didn't think I had a chance but asked to see the manager. He confirmed someone has made a mistake. I sighed deeply and said "gee, my wife has wanted this for a long time and our anniversary is next week..." (sad, dejected face...) I continued... "man, that was a real tease... she would have been so suprised..." with that the manager told the other employee to give it to me for that price and said "Happy Aniversary!" I was so shocked... I thought it was worth a shot. LOL It was a pain to install however, we love the look it adds. I also installed this new ---->
ceiling fan in the master bedroom. It's much bigger and way quieter. This was a pain to install as well considering the "creative license" the electrician took.... eeesh don't get me started!

I saved the best for last... Mom and Dad came for a visit... so of course I had a project for Dad to help me with.
The tile when you firs walk through the front door was in bad need of replacement. This pic is a bit dark. The tile is a 6" porcelin that resembles slate... the border will help tie in the new hardwood floors we are currently saving for... I'm leaning toward a natural cherry... something to slightly contrast the pine the house was built with. It took alot of prep however, was well worth it! This matches the house so well and is installed the right way! Which in this house is a rarity unless I do it myself! (with Dad's assistance of course...)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

We are back!

Well as of a week ago we are back from Mexico. It was my first international trip and I think I set my expectation too high. I was not prepared for the poverty I saw when we left the airport on the way to our resort. I can see why they are leaving and trying to come to the USA. However it is crippling us because they have nothing to contribute to society. They take and take and give nothing back.
We flew into Cancun and stayed in Playa de carmen which is about 40 min outside of Cancun.
The resort was nice, very big and lots of marble. We originally went there for a wedding and we just turned it into a wks vacation so we were there with about 40 people. Trying to get 40 people together to do something is crazy! It is so hard to get people together for anything. The beach was beautiful. I got severly sunburned and had to stay out of the sun for 3 days. Tim got montezuma's revenge and was in the room for a day. He never did get to go 3 wheelin. We went to cozumel for a day. It was so much fun. Tim bought me a ring that is tanzinite and australian opal. very very pretty. it is proving to be a bit hard to get it resized.
all in all the trip was good but I am not looking to leave the wonderful USA for a long time.
It is amazing how much you appreciate something when you are with out it. I will be exspecially gratefull this 4th of July to be living in a country as wonderful as ours. I truly feel blessed to live here.
peace and love