Saturday, August 11, 2007

Long time no writing.

Well, it has been forever since I have been here to post. Things have been very busy. We picked up a second job doing at home claims for insurance companies. My birthday was great. We had friends over for dinner the day before and then on the day of my birthday Tim took me to a movie and lunch. He bought me a pearl necklace, a french gold watch and a pair of gold/white gold earings. It was better then I could have imagined.
I am about to start my next batch of classes. Not really looking forward to it. I just want it all to be done and over with. Things at work...well that is a whole different story. I hate it. While I am glad I have a job, I hate what I do.
More at another time,

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Blah Blah Yadda yadda

So things have been busy around here.. so to speak. Tim planted a garden. We have green, yellow, red, green and purple peppers. We also have zuccini, squash, cucumbers, eggplant, and hot peppers. We planted a few herb plants as well. It is looking really nice...ohh and we planted tomatoes. We have a flower on that plant already! We intended to do a small garden however you know Tim nothing is small.

Work is ok. I go back on the phones in about 3 weeks. I am ok with that. I can work some overtime, get back on track and really focus again. It will be nice to not have to worry about everyone elses crap for once. I am responsible for me and no one else. Mike agreed that I should look at it as a break from team leading. I don't know if I want to team lead anymore. I want something more. Is there something more for me, have a reached the ceiling?

School is irritating me. I feel like I just can not do this anymore. I can't quit because I am so close to finishing. When you keep getting low grades it is very discouraging, makes me want to go to bed and not get back out.

I guess we are going to have a bbq/birthday party for me in August. The big 30! Break out the anti-aging cream. Do you ever see yourself differently in your minds eye and then when you look in the mirror you think...oh yeah that is what I look like... and walk away sad? I do. I picture myself completly different then what I actually look like. Its weird I know, but hey thats me. I think that finally explains why I have very few mirrors in my house. The less I see me the better.
well I better go work on homework. Yeah me!
Peace and love,

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

No news is good news

Well there is really nothing new to post. Things are still the same. The ferrets are doing fine. Noah had a little adventue, he got outside and I didn't know. Well he spent all night outside. I was worried sick because I couldn't find him. Tim found him the next morning under a blanket all cozy and warm by the sliding glass doors. He actually had the nerve to look at us like we had lost our minds by disturbing him. I am sure Gabby didn't mind as she had the hammock all to herself. Noah was ground for awhile after that stunt.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Vacation Day

I took a vacation day today. I really needed a long weekend. It is nice to have a day to myself. I wanted to get a manicure today..not sure if I will be able to fit that in. I have lots of cleaning to do today. I dusted the ceiling fan in the bedroom, folded laundry, and of course there is still more laundry washing. I bought tickets for the John Mayer concert in Aug. We got pretty good tickets. I can't believe how expensive they are. 132.00 for two tickets and it is not even VIP seating!
Noah and Gabriel are doing fine. Wish they would use the litter box instead of every corner of their cage..... maybe someday soon.
I go back on the phones at work at the end of may. I have mixed feelings about it. I like being a team lead but I hate everyone calling my name all the time. So the idea of being back on the phone and doing my own thing is appealing. I hate the fact of objectives and adherence and worring about caps and daps. I hate the pressure of always having to perform or else you get put on a plan. I really feel my talents are wasted on the phones. I want to do more.
Plus side to this is that i get to go back to my early shift and summer is coming so i will not be stuck indoors when the sun is out. I will not have to do other peoples work because they are too lazy to do it themselves or take the time to learn. I can do my work and my work only.
we will see what the future holds, maybe something will come up where I will not actually have to talk to people and I can be in a little corner somewhere with my streamline stapler.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

New Addition

Here are two ferrets we have added to the family. Noah and Gabriel. they are 16 months old and very curious. Its nice to have ferrets in the home again.

Noah is the one with out the mask and much lighter. He is on the left

Gabriel is the one with the mask around her eyes. She is on the right

Sunday, January 14, 2007

What is love?

When your husband gives you the end piece to a fresh loaf of italian bread because its your favorite! I love that man of mine!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Welcome to 2007

Here it is... the very first day of 2007. I feel a little under the weather I think I am coming down with a cold. What a way to start the new year. I hope things start getting better for us financially. its hard keeping the ends meeting when I no longer get a bonus and Tim's are not as high as they used to be. I am hoping that the over time will start to pick up and I can take advantage of that. Tomorrow I will work 2 hrs of OT and hopefully I can pick up some more during the rest of the week.
What I would like to see happen in 2007:
My car paid off. That would save us 312.00 a month. If I continue to pay it off at the regular monthly rate it will be paid off in 20 months. If I add an extra 200 to the payment then I can have it paid off in Decemember. Hmmm the idea sounds great however we will have to see what can really be done. If I go back to being on the phone in March, its hard to get a payout anymore. Bellsouth has changed the comp plan so much that there is no use thinking you are going to get one.
Redecorate the Bedroom I would like to do the room in brown and blue. A new carpet. A dresser, a new tv stand and a closet organizer. That would be fantastic.
Really those are the only two things that i would like to do for 2007 If the second one doesnt get done but the first does... that is ok to.

2006 was a good year. things changed for me, I started to become more independant for myself. Doing things on my own instead of always wanting to be with someone. I started taking my job more seriously, looking at making it a career and not just a job. I am refocusing in 2007 to build our accounts back up and save for the vacation in 2008 to Ireland or Australia.